At the age of 24 Shraddha Kapoor entered Bollywood and signed her first movie. In her debutante role she got a good role in a big starrer film named 'Teen Patti' in which megastar Amitabh bachchan was in the lead role. But Shraddha kapoor went unnoticed in that film as 'Teen Patti' flopped drastically. Then she did one more film called 'Love ka The End,' which was a big flop again.
Shradha kapoor got upset with the failure of her movies. But soon she realized it's a part of life, one should move on. After that she got a very good chance to act in Mohit Suri's 'Ashiqui 2' which was a sequel to Mahesh Bhatt's earlier blockbuster hit 'Ashiqui ' which came in 1990. In this movie she was paired opposite Aditya Roy Kapoor a new debutante also struggling to make some name in Bollywood industry. So this movie was a super hit among young generation and both the actors were recognized as good actors. Beautiful
Shraddha Kapoor's photos and
photos of Shraddha Kapoor can be downloaded from here.
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